Stake-A-Thon Update #3

Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2020


Here is an update after two months of the Stake-A-Thon. You can learn more about Stake-A-Thon and sign up to win prizes at

Stake-A-Thon Metrics

For the two-weeks from October 15 to October 28, there were 2,310 block rewards for offline staking (24.4 % of block rewards), and in October there were block rewards for 28 super stakers and 92 delegated addresses.

There are 51 super stakers registered for the Stake-A-Thon. During October a few more joined.

For the October 30th prizes 1,055 QTUM were paid out to super stakers and delegated addresses; congratulations to these prize winners.

“Staking” From Mobile

We get the best community questions on Telegram, including “can I stake from my mobile”. Here is the answer.

For the Qtum Android Mobile Wallet, you can use the Qtum Web Wallet on that same mobile using either “Restore From Mobile Wallet” with the seed words or “Restore from WIF” using the private key. Then make an address delegation using “Offline Staking” and Add Delegation with the “+” button. Select a super staker from the Stake-A-Thon list.

Restore Wallet, Offline Staking — Add Delegation, fill in details, Delegation Confirmed

If using “Restore From Mobile” with seed words, enter the seed words carefully with all lower case, not any UPPER-CASE characters, and don’t have any blank spaces after the words. Reload the browser to see updates in the Web Wallet. Using “Dump As Key File” and then “Restore From Key File” makes it easier to reload the Web Wallet. After you make the address delegation transaction with the Web Wallet you can monitor any incoming block rewards back on the Android Mobile Wallet, or the explorer, where you can also confirm the address delegation by looking at your Android Mobile Wallet address.

