Qtum at Blockshow Asia

Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2017


After a little more than a week since the Inclusive Blockchain Conference, part of the Qtum team is back in Singapore for Blockshow Asia, hosted by Cointelegraph. The team has been quite busy with travels to Hong Kong, Dubai, and back to Shanghai since the last conference.

Today, on November 29th at Blockshow Asia, Patrick gave his expert’s insight into Blockchain & IoT, an industry which we believe is one of the most fit for blockchain technology. Patrick provided his reasoning for building Qtum and making it a general platform, which he believes makes it even more ideal for IoT applications, since they can take advantage of non-IoT specific features.

Patrick gave an overview of the evolution of blockchain technology moving from currency to platform with now of a more layered approach like Qtum. Qtum’s layered approach gives security to the core protocol but with the flexibility of an application layer.

During the talk, Patrick explained how the IoT industry’s little regulation allows it to innovate faster, especially when it comes to blockchain technology. Devices and things can be given identities and accounts to interact machine-to-machine in ways never before possible.

Part of Qtum’s appeal to IoT comes from our proof-of-stake design, qtum’s ability to execute smart contracts from light clients, and our lightning network and x86 virtual machine which are in the works.

At Blockshow, which Qtum sponsored, John and Stella introduced many of the newcomers to blockchain at our booth. Overall, the event went really well, and we look forward to see how things progress into Blockshow Europe.

And of course, after the show came the after party, the I ❤Q party. Thanks to all of those who came to our private gathering and to Ink Labs for co-hosting the event.

