January Community & Development Updates

Published in
4 min readFeb 12, 2023


One month down, and 2023 has already been an action-packed month. Activity on top of Qtum is heating up as both Moonland and Opside have had a super busy few weeks.

January 2023 Staking Results

  • Total staking addresses: 1,491
  • Delegated addresses: 227
  • QTUM in block rewards: 41,848.5
  • Unique super stakers: 24

Community Pulse

We did our monthly Topic and Content contests with our community members. Qtum has the privilege of having a brilliant and highly active community. Here is what they came up with this month.

Topic Contest

The “Topic Contest” was exclusive to our Discord members. The idea was to provide our members with different questions and reward those who gave the best answers. Let’s go through the top five best answers for this contest.

  1. Septimus#9433

2. erlikwindsteel#2839

3. Legendaryy#4221 20.01.2023

4. addusegg#1561 27.01.2023

5. errbetnip#7005

Content Contest

Here are the top 5 memes from our content contest:

1. roster#7644


2. selim1453#0287


3. erlikwindsteel#2839


4. qtum#7122


5. zef#7599


Qtum Question Of The Month

“Nausicaa” asked this question on Discord:

“Hey frens. I’m looking to get clarification on my various addresses and how to consolidate. Basically my goal is to stake my total Qtum balance, but for some reason my available balance and stake balance are different. In order to stake, do I have to create a super staker and delegate to myself? Or can I just have the Qtum in my balance act as the node and receive block rewards that way? It looks like when I generate a new super staker, each address has an already staked balance somehow.”


“A Qtum Core Wallet operating as a staking node (holding QTUM) will stake every UTXO of any size for any address that wallet manages. The staking return will be the same if that wallet has hundreds of UTXOs in tens of addresses or a set of UTXOS on a single address. Technically, each UTXO has a random chance of winning a block reward weighted by the size of that UTXO. In total, the UTXOs make up the staking “weight” of the wallet. If the wallet wins a block reward for a specific UTXO, then that UTXO (and possibly some others) will be committed to a “stake” for 2,000 confirmations, about 18 hours. This is the “stake” in proof of stake. Essentially the wallet sends this stake transaction back to itself, and the amount the wallet commits to the stake will show up in the “Stake” balance. While in the stake, a UTXO can not win another block reward or be sent to another address. These are the basics of how Qtum staking works. Qtum offline staking adds some additional restrictions (UTXO sizes, for one), but provides some operations and security benefits.”

Building On Top Of Qtum

#1 Moonland

Moonland is an open-world gaming metaverse built on top of Qtum. Here is a glimpse of what the metaverse looks like.

Check out the 2022 Moonland recap here.

#2 Opside

Opside is a three-layer architecture built on Qtum for high-throughput web3 applications. Towards the end of Jan, Opside got coverage from “Odaily@ChinaCryptoNews.”


How do you use the Opside faucet and the testnet liquidity bridge? Here you go:


Article Watch

Build on QTUM — Energy Efficient and High-Performing Layer-1


Introducing Qtum Qnekt


Twitter Highlights



